ONLINE Meetings

Date: 10.11.2022
Online meeting

On 10 November we had an online meeting of the Move & Act project, during which we agreed on the next steps in the implementation of the training programme. As part of this action, an open guide with new and innovative artistic techniques and activities will be created, as well as a series of Webinars. We also discussed the most important issues related to project management. In December, the Consortium partners will meet in person in Reus, Spain.

Date: 23.01.2023
Online meeting

On 23 January the Consortium met online to discuss the most important tasks for the coming weeks. The partners are currently preparing a series of webinars on various artistic and digital skills. They are also finalizing their own guide to modern artistic techniques using digital technologies.

Date: 28.02.2023
Online meeting

On 28 February, the partners of the MOVE & ACT: Empower Youth through Entrepreneurial and Digital Skills project held a monthly online meeting where they summarized the progress of the project. In February, the first webinar, dedicated to the therapeutic role of art, took place. The event was hosted by University of Social Sciences and the IRIS Foundation. More webinars coming soon.

Traditionally, during the meeting we discussed the issues of ongoing project management, dissemination of its results, and quality assurance.

Online meeting

The Move&Act project consortium held another online meeting on Tuesday, March 28. The partners are currently organizing a series of webinars focusing on art and digital skills. Next Thursday, March 30, there will be a meeting dedicated to art generated through artificial intelligence.

Date: 21.04.2023
Online meeting

The next online meeting was held on April 21. The partners summarized the webinars held so far and planned the next activities of the project.

One of the upcoming tasks is to realize an interactive e-learning platform, where all the materials developed in the project will be available. The meeting also summarized tasks related to the ongoing management of the project, as well as the dissemination of its results.

Online meeting

On 16 May, the partners summarized a series of webinars focused on development of artistic and digital skills.

Soon, recordings of all trainings will be available on the project website and YouTube channel. A one-week youth training course will be organized in Greece in June. The partners will also participate in the next transnational meeting in Athens. Traditionally, current administrative issues and dissemination of project results were also discussed at the meeting.

Date: 12.07.2023
Online meeting

On July 12, partners met online to summarize the activities implemented in recent weeks. The results developed so far: an open guide with new and innovative techniques and activities, and a series of 6 webinars on various art activities are now available on the project’s learning platform:

The goal of the training program is to develop the artistic and digital skills of youth at risk of social exclusion.

The partners are now tasked with creating a database where young artists from partner countries can search and learn details of programs from which they can obtain funding for their artistic activities, both at the national and European levels.

Traditionally, the meeting also discussed activities related to the ongoing management of the project and the dissemination of its results, as well as quality assurance.

Online meeting

On 8 September, project consortium held another online meeting to take stock of the work carried out before the summer break and to plan the next tasks. We are happy to announce that you can now use the project platform and the resources available on it, which will gradually increase as the project develops. A guide to innovative artistic methods using digital techniques and a series of six webinars on different artistic activities are already available.

The partners are now working on creating a database where young artists from the partner countries can search and find out details of funding programmes for their artistic activities, both at national and European level. The consortium is also developing a video guide on the elevator pitch technique: a short, catchy presentation of a product, service or person to successfully sell an idea, get investors or simply get a new job. By learning the ins and outs of this method, young artists will gain the skills to present their work effectively.

Traditionally, the meeting also discussed activities related to the ongoing management of the project and the disseminaton of its results, as well as quality assurance.

Date: 06.10.2023
Online meeting

On October 6, the Move&Act project consortium at its next online meeting summarized the work done so far and planned the next tasks.

Currently, the project’s partners are videoing a guide on the elevator pitch technique, which is a short, catchy presentation of a product, service or person to effectively sell an idea, get investors or simply get a new job. By learning the ins and outs of this method, young artists will gain the skills to effectively present their work.

We are also pleased to announce that you can already use the project platform and the resources provided on it, which will gradually increase as the project develops. You can already get acquainted with a guide to innovative artistic methods using digital techniques, and watch a series of 6 webinars on various artistic activities. The platform will also soon feature a database where young artists from partner countries will be able to search and learn details of programs from which they can obtain funding for their artistic activities, both at the national and European levels.

Traditionally, the meeting also discussed activities related to the ongoing management of the project and the dissemination of its results, as well as quality assurance.

Online meeting

On 21 November, the partners of the project Move&Act: Empower Youth through Entrepreneurial and Digital Skills held another online meeting. They discussed the work packages currently in progress, tasks related to the dissemination of results and quality assurance.

The partners are carrying out internal testing and making the final touches to the video guide on public speaking. Guidelines for the creation of a community of young artists have also been finalised.

On 15 December 2023, a follow-up webinar is scheduled to explore the Elevator Pitch process.

Participants will learn how to present their artistic work in an interesting and, at the same time, effective way in a short speech.

Date: 19.12.2023
Online meeting

During the project’s December meeting, the partners raised many new and interesting topics. We are starting to prepare for the implementation of mentoring sessions for young people who want to improve their soft skills, management and entrepreneurship skills. A Video Guide to the Elevator Pitch technique will soon be available in all partner languages.

Online meeting

On January 15, partners discussed the progress of the project during another online meeting. Following the success of the webinar on the elevator pitch technique, a video guide on how to present your persona and accomplishments in an interesting and effective way in less than a minute is now available. Soon versions in the national languages of the consortium will also be available. The next step will be to organize meetings with mentors to strengthen the entrepreneurial mindset in young people and motivate them to take action.

Date: 15.02.2024
Online meeting

During the online meeting on February 15, 2024, our team focused on determining the details of the mentoring sessions that will be held in each partner country . Several international sessions will also be held in May. These sessions will be carefully prepared to develop artistic talent and entrepreneurial spirit.

Online meeting

On Friday 15 March, project consortium held their monthly online meeting. The consortium is approaching the implementation of mentoring sessions with small groups of 5 young people wanting to act, develop and fulfil creatively. The partners are beginning to recruit and organise this activity. During the project meeting, our team agreed on the details of this initiative. As a reminder, mentoring will start in April in each partner country and end in May with several international sessions. The partners also discussed ongoing tasks related to project management, dissemination of results and quality assurance. They also planned the next partnership meeting, which will take place in May in Italy.

Date: 22.04.2024
Online meeting

On 22 April 2024, the partners met online to discuss the progress made on outcome three. We are currently focusing on planning mentoring sessions. The consortium discussed in detail the formal aspects of the upcoming sessions, such as the organizational framework, rules of participation or ways to document the whole process. Mentoring will enable young people to acquire entrepreneurial skills and motivate them to act as promoters for other colleagues.

Furthermore, the consortium discussed the organizational matters of the third transnational project meeting, which is being organized by partner ERGON in May in Turin. During the meeting, the partners will evaluate the work done so far on outcome three and plan activities for outcome four.As usual, the meeting addressed aspects of quality assurance and dissemination of project activities.

Online meeting

On 13 June 2024, the partners of the project MOVE & ACT – Empower Youth through Entrepreneurial and Digital Skills met online to plan the next steps in the development of the project.

During the meeting, the partners summarised the work done so far on outcome three. The consortium has been working intensively on the development of a community virtual place in the Hub, a place designed for interaction between young people as a tool for exchanging ideas and artistic works. The partners also summarised the mentoring sessions conducted, which enabled young people to gain entrepreneurial skills.

In addition, the partners discussed in detail the organisation of an online PhotoVoice competition using artistic photographs. The end result is that the young people will bring new insights and perspectives through art that will increase awareness of hidden or overlooked issues and aspects of their community. As is standard, the partners discussed financial issues and the dissemination of the project.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.