15.12.2023 the Elevator pitch webinar
On 15 December 2023, the Consortium held international webinar, exploring how a young person can effectively present their professional background and artwork in just one minute! The webinar was jointly organised by Associazione Ergon a favore dei Sordi and Open Europe, with participants from all consortium countries.
The webinar provided a comprehensive exploration of the Elevator Pitch technique. It aimed to boost participants’ self-confidence, provide valuable techniques for taking initiative, and improve employability. Firstly, Simona Biani from Associazione Ergon a favore dei Sordi provided technical setup and introduced speakers. This was followed by a brief overview of the Move&Act project.
Then the trainers- Ma. Elena Chapa de la Peña and Ana Isabel Herranz Zentarski continued with very interesting content.The participants learnt, what an elevator pitch is, why is it important and what the key elements of good Elevator pitch are. Some examples were also presented and analysed. Participants and trainers discussed, how to deliver an elevator pitch, with some do’s and don’ts.
The webinar was held in English and recorded. It is now available on the project platform, along with materials used during the training.

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