work packages
In the WP1
(Project Management)
are included:
interim quality evaluation report

This result is a detailed TRAINING PROGRAMME for the development of artistic and digital skills, created for the training of youth who wish to reinforce their competences and employability.
The objective of the programme is mainly developing artistic and digital skills for young people at risk of social exclusion. The artistic skills focus on the Visual Arts field and the digital skills focus on innovative new technologies that can be used in combination with the artistic activity such as 3D design, printing and scanning.
The training programme consists of:
1) A detailed GUIDE with 7 new and innovative artistic techniques about the Visual Arts and 7 artistic activities which use digital technologies such as 3D printing or scanning,
2) A series of WEBINARS about basic artistic skill (e.g. sculpting, photography, crafts) and digital skills (3D Design & 3D Printing),
3) A face-to-face 5-day WORKSHOP for 21 youth participants about artistic activities integrating digital technologies (e.g. lithophane training, sculpting and crafts with 3D printing),
4) An E-PLATFORM which is a dynamic and powerful tool with free access to all the information, educational material and trainings.
All these activities focus on the empowerment of the young people with artistic and digital skills in a way that is unique because of the cross-sectoral approach. The difference in comparison with other types of education about the digital technologies, is that this result is not oriented to technical applications, but focuses on how these technologies can be used for creating Art.
The programme aims to instill a way of working/expression through the combination of different skills and fields. The use of the distance learning combining synchronous and asynchronous training allows many young people to participate in this training programme.
This work package consists of 4 specific results which all together contributed to the fulfillment of the main objective of this work package which is the creation of a network of youth at risk of social exclusion providing entrepreneurial tools, developing the sense of belonging and self-esteem, the common interest for visual arts, and finally empowering their inclusive and entrepreneurial perspective.
The specific results of this work package are:
1) A DATABASE with funding opportunities for young amateur or professional artists
It consists 14 such funding opportunities from each partner country and 4 European fundings. The database contains a guideline for each specific funding opportunity. It is available in all national languages of the partners’ countries and in English on the Project platform.
2) An Elevator pitch TRAINING consisting of a video guide and webinar
A video guide for Elevator pitch contains instructions on how a young person can present his/hers professional background and work. A webinar training took place on 15th of December 2023 for the 70 participants of the MOVE & ACT training programme, plus any other young person willing to attend and train their skills. The video guide and the webinar were held in English, however the video has subtitles in all national languages of the partner countries.
The Elevator Pitch video guide and webinar are available here.
3) A Community VIRTUAL PLACE in the Hub
It consists a specific section in project’s website for interaction between young people and an Instagram account as a tool for interaction and exchanging ideas and art works. This virtual place, with at least 280 followers, is created in order to enable young people to present themselves, their work and their challenges with other young people in Europe.
4) A MENTORING for youth’s entrepreneurial mindset
A Mentoring process was provided for 42 young vulnerable persons that participated in the MOVE & ACT training programme. Mentoring empowered these young persons with entrepreneurial mindset and motivate them to act as multipliers for other colleagues. Through a Mentoring process promoting the Entrepreneurial mindset in the Art world, within 3-4 online and F2F sessions in groups of 5-6 people they were provided with advise, counsel, encouragement and motivation.
The final report of the mentoring sessions can be found here.

The implementation of the Online PhotoVoice CONTEST with Art photos focused on highlighting problems and challenges of youth’s local communities. This result contributed to providing young people at risk of social exclusion with the opportunity to raise their voice about their personal challenges or the challenges of their communities and increased public awareness about these problems/challenges.
The contesters mainly used the art of photography to describe a problem/challenge of their own community. An additional representation of the photographs was created using the 3D printing technique “Lithophane,” which converted the photographs into illuminated 3D images. Also, a digital platform with the ability to upload artwork and all the supportive materials (text descriptions, videos, photos, presentations) for any young person who wanted to participate was also created. The PhotoVoice Contest Platform can be found here.
As a final result, young people, through their art, brought new insights and perspectives that raised awareness of hidden or overlooked issues and aspects of their community. This was also achieved through the organization of a final digital EXHIBITION, which allowed the sharing of those challenges with a public audience and increased creativity, cultural expression, and networking with other colleagues. The Online PhotoVoice Contest and Exhibition with Art photographs ultimately attracted more interest and support from local people, public services, and policymakers. Moreover, it contributed to the development and expression of their artistic skills through photography and 3D printing.

MULTIPLIER EVENTS and PhotoVoice EXHIBITION will share the results of the project in a wide audience and will reach many stakeholders among project’s target groups. They will focus on increasing awareness of the MOVE & ACT project, its goals and results as well as reaching potential third-party users of the results from the project. They will also place the focus on problems and challenges that youth vulnerable people and their communities are facing.
A physical multiplier event will be organized in each partner country. During the events all of the work packages will be presented, while a physical exhibition of the PhotoVoice contest will take place. The main aim of the multiplier events is to present the final format of the work packages in order to motivate relevant stakeholders in each country to use the guides, techniques and educational materials of the produced work packages in their organizations.
The target group of all the multiplier events with PhotoVoice exhibition will be formed by the following participants:
- Youth organizations related with the empowerment of any youth, especially those with disabilities (NGO’s, Youth associations, Associations for people with disabilities and others),
- Youth grassroots,
- Youth think tanks,
- Local Art communities,
- Youth organizations related to the social entrepreneurship,
- Municipalities and local or regional authorities, engaging cultural offices, social services and employment offices,
- Universities (students clubs and employability offices),
- Organizations of people with disabilities,
- Charity organizations, with the aim to financially support the sustainability of the project after the end of its lifetime.
interim dissemination report

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.